Binder Tabs

Saturday, April 23, 2011


This is donated to my family. They all support me with all their hearts and I hope I can raise my own family just like this one.

You are a baby,
And I love you.

I owe you so much,
For you saved my life.

You are so innocent,
Never hateful.

For that is what I love you for,
Your smile is so wonderful.

You are a teen,
A wonderful boy.

You make tons of mistakes,
And I took you for granted.

I wish you would care
For me and for yourself.

I know that you have wishes,
Just as I have mine.

You are the mother,
Great and happy.

You raised us to respect,
Yet I'm slipping for your hands.

I still love you,
Your gentle smile is everything.

You are the strict one,
That won't say anything you love.

I don't understand you,
Yet I wish I sometimes would.

You need me,
To find that something to love.

And together we live,
Happy, not penetrated.

We'll stand like a wall,
No one gets hurt, and no one will leave.

But yes, we'll have our problems,
And that will make us stronger.

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